General Motors (GM)


What is covered?

What is not covered?

Reasonable and customary (R&C) limit for physiotherapy


Some providers charge more than the R&C limit.


The R&C limit is the maximum amount your plan will cover for physiotherapy services.

That means…

If your provider charges more than the R&C limit, you will have to pay the remaining amount out of your own pocket.

How Henry’s claim is paid
Henry’s physiotherapist’s fee $175
R&C limit for a 1-hour appointment $130
The amount your plan will cover $130
The amount Henry must pay out of pocket $45

Your coverage maximum resets every year on January 1.

February 1 $300
March 14 $150
May 6 $150
June 9 $150
July 27 $150
August 8 $150
September 2 $150
September 30 $150
October 22 $150
Total claims submitted $1,500
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