Chrysler Canada Inc. (CCI)

About asrTrust

The Auto Sector Retiree Health Care Trust (asrTrust)

asrTrust is proud to provide health care benefits for the former Canadian Auto Workers (CAW)/Unifor union retirees of Chrysler Canada Inc. (CCI) and General Motors of Canada Ltd. (GM), and their spouses and dependents.


In 2011, asrTrust was established to ensure that CAW/Unifor union retirees would continue to receive a valuable and sustainable retiree benefits plan. 

asrTrust is unique in Canada.

asrTrust was the first Employee Life and Health Trust (ELHT) in Canada. It was developed with a one-time promise of funding from the original plan sponsors, which was paid in promissory notes and then fully paid up over the following years.


Global crisis hits North America auto industry

The Detroit three faced a 50% sales drop. General Motors and Chrysler, out of cash, stopped normal operations by year-end.

U.S., Canadian, Ontario governments intervened to save these critical companies

Union members faced devastating risks of job loss, pension reductions, and removal of retiree benefits.

Negotiations between the governments, company stakeholders, and major unions resulted in the Canadian and Ontario governments providing billions of dollars to CCI and GM for their restructuring efforts. However, this came with the condition of removing retiree benefits. The unions would not accept this condition and continued their negotiations to ensure retiree benefits would stay. The unions’ determination persevered, leading to the Federal Government changing tax regulations to allow for the establishment of ELHTs.

CCI and GM then funded the trust with ~$1.2B and ~$2B, respectively.


asrTrust established

asrTrust is established, due in part to the unions’ tenacity and hard work. Claims payments begin.

These plans provide coverage for CAW/Unifor union retirees who were hired before May 4, 2009, and eligible for a pension at retirement.


Sustaining the promise to retirees

asrTrust offers one of the most comprehensive retiree benefits plans in Canada, honouring its commitment to hardworking members for their lifetime.

asrTrust designs and manages the CCI and GM retiree benefits plans, and handles the money and investments for both plans through two separate trust accounts.



asrTrust partners with best-in-class experts to deliver valuable retiree benefits that you can count on.

asrTrust is a lean organization—operating expenses are low so that the plan is sustainable, and members receive the best services at the best price.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing asrTrust’s money and benefits plan design. The Board’s main goal is to manage the money so it can provide valuable and sustainable health benefits to all eligible union retirees of CCI and GM and their beneficiaries for multiple decades, until the last person leaves the plan.

The Board operates independently and has a legal obligation to act in the best interest of members in both CCI and GM retiree benefits plans.

Their roles and responsibilities

Oversee the benefits plan designs and make adjustments so the plans remain meaningful and sustainable.

Hire CEO and retain expert advisors, such as actuaries, lawyers, investment advisors, and accountants, to support ongoing plan administration and governance.

Maintain all records for the Trust and the plans, including audited annual financial statements.

Oversee the plans’ money and how that money is invested.

Ensure asrTrust maintains its ELHT designation.

Who is on the Board?

The Board is made up of 10 Trustees:

  • Five Trustees who are appointed by the President of Unifor






  • Five independently appointed Trustees who bring expertise in critical areas, including health benefits and investments






asrTrust Staff

asrTrust has a small team of 2 full-time staff and 2 part-time individuals. Together, they oversee the day-to-day activities of the trust, working closely with the Board of Trustees, GreenShield, and professional advisors. The asrTrust staff does not have access to any personal claims data for any member.

Chief Executive Officer

Head of Operations & Member Solutions

Part-time Executive Assistant

Part-time Chief Financial Officer (contract)

Professional Advisors

asrTrust partners with best-in-class experts to help guide decision-making while keeping costs low. These experts include actuaries, lawyers, investment advisors, and accountants to name a few.

Partners Supporting Members

asrTrust partners with best-in-class experts to help guide decision-making while keeping costs low. These experts include actuaries, lawyers, investment advisors, and accountants to name a few.

GreenShield processes all claims. They have a fully staffed call centre and are your main contact for questions about your benefits plan.

Bayshore’s Carepath programs are available to connect you to Nurse Case Managers for elder care support and chronic disease/cancer support.

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