Chrysler Canada Inc. (CCI)


What is covered?

What is not covered?

Some ineligible services include:

Eligible practitioners

Eligible services

Your coverage maximum resets on January 1 each year.

January 16 $180 (routine oral examination)
March 17 $180 (dental x-ray for crown diagnosis)
April 2 $5,640 (crown)
Total claims submitted $6,000

Have a major dental treatment coming up?

Choose your dental provider with care, and ask about the dental fee guide.


Each dental provider sets their costs and may charge more, or less, than those listed in their province’s dental fee guide.


Your plan will cover expenses up to the maximum amount outlined in your province’s current dental fee guide.

That means…

If your dental provider charges more than the dental fee guidelines, you will have to pay the remaining amount out of pocket.


Dental fee guides are not always available online. Before scheduling an appointment, ask your dental provider about their fees, and how they compare to the current dental fee guide in your province.

How Bill’s claim would be paid
The dentist’s fee $180
The provincial dental fee guide $150
The amount your plan will cover $150
The amount Bill must payout of pocket $30

Orthodontic coverage for dependent children under age 21

What is covered?

Eligible Services


Ask your orthodontist for a pre-determination of coverage to get an estimate of the services being recommended so you can see before your child receives treatment what will be covered by your plan, and how much you may have to pay.

Your orthodontic coverage maximum is a lifetime maximum and does not reset at the beginning of the calendar year.

Year 1 (orthodontic oral exam) $100
Year 2 (braces) $1,200
The amount your plan will cover $1,300
Amount remaining for Julia’s future orthodontic expenses (to age 21) $2,300
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