Chrysler Canada Inc. (CCI)

In-Home Nursing & Personal Support Workers

What is covered?

Eligible services

Call Greenshield at 1-877-266-5494 to get started. 

For PSW services, Greenshield has partnered with SE Health who will have a registered nurse contact you to complete an assessment, either in your home or virtually. The SE Health nurse will also help you coordinate with government and other community services. Once receiving PSW services, the SE Health nurse will connect with you regularly to reassess whether your care needs have changed.

Note: asrTrust requires that all applicable community, provincial or federal government assistance is applied for and leveraged.

Reasonable and customary (R&C) limit for in-home nursing/PSWs


Some providers charge more than the R&C limit.


The R&C limit is the maximum amount your plan will cover for in-home nursing/PSWs…

That means…

If your provider charges more than the R&C limit, you will have to pay the remaining amount out of your own pocket.

How Lorraine’s claim is paid
Lorraine’s PSW’s fee $45/hour
R&C limit for PSWs $35/hour
The amount your plan will cover $35/hour
The amount Lorraine must pay out of pocket $10/hour

If you are reaching the annual maximum coverage

Who to contact for in-home nursing or PSW support

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